
Step-by-Step: Making Money Online with Chat GPT and YouTube || by Nikhil


Step-by-Step: Making Money Online with Chat GPT and YouTube


In the past, making money on YouTube required creating videos or hiring someone to do it for you. However, with the advancements in AI technology, tools like Chat GPT have become incredibly useful in the video creation process. In this blog, we'll explore how you can potentially make money online using Chat GPT and YouTube.

Using Chat GPT to Generate Scripts

One of the main uses of Chat GPT is to generate scripts for YouTube videos. Many scriptwriters are now utilizing Chat GPT to assist them in their work. If you're looking to hire a scriptwriter, there's a high chance that they are using Chat GPT to improve their efficiency.

The GPT Store

OpenAI, the company behind Chat GPT, has recently launched the GPT Store. This platform allows builders to create and offer their own GPT models. Currently, all the GPTs in the store are free to use, but there are paid plans for certain integrations. To access the GPT Store, you need to be on the paid plan of Chat GPT, known as Chat GPT Plus.

Using Nvidia's GPTs

Nvidia, a company known for its AI products, has developed two GPTs available on the GPT Store: Video AI and Thumbnail Maker. These tools can automatically generate entire YouTube videos and thumbnails using AI. Channels like "World According to Briggs," "Brainy Doo," and "Body Hub" have successfully used stock-based video content to attract millions of views and generate substantial ad revenue.

Creating Videos with Nvidia AI

To use Nvidia AI's Video AI, simply search for "Nvidia" on the GPT Store and select Video AI by Invidio. This tool primarily focuses on stock-based video content. By providing specific prompts, such as creating a video about the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, you can guide the AI in generating the desired video. The AI can even add humor and creativity to make the video engaging.

Adding Value to the AI-Generated Videos

While AI-generated videos can be valuable, it's essential to add your own touch to them. The YouTube algorithm prioritizes valuable content, whether it's educational or entertaining. By incorporating your own experiences and research, you can enhance the AI-generated scripts and make the videos even better. Make sure to review the scripts carefully and ensure they meet your standards.

Editing and Customizing Videos

Nvidia AI allows you to edit the generated videos according to your preferences. You can make changes to the script, choose different stock footage, and even upload your own media. If you're using stock-based content, Nvidia AI provides partnerships with various stock websites, giving you access to a vast library of footage. When you're satisfied with the results, you can export the video for use on YouTube.

Creating Catchy Thumbnails with Nvidia AI

Nvidia AI also offers a Thumbnail Maker that can help you create eye-catching thumbnails for your videos. By providing prompts and following design principles, you can generate compelling thumbnails that attract viewers' attention. Remember to make the text bold, easy to read, and keep the primary objects and text to a minimum for maximum impact.


With the advancements in AI technology, it's becoming easier to create videos and generate income on platforms like YouTube. Utilizing tools like Chat GPT and Nvidia AI's GPTs, you can automate the video creation process and focus on adding value to your content. Remember to review and enhance the AI-generated scripts and thumbnails to ensure they align with your brand. By putting in the effort upfront, you can create assets on the web that continue to generate income for years to come.

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